Foundations for Revitalizing Health
Experience a different way to be with your body.

Co-Regulating Touch

Bringing exhausted adult limbic, endocrine and nervous systems into new balance and regulation. System deficits in vitality often arrive when prolonged periods in early development missed the key foundations of care that human body’s are wired to expect and required. Times of overwhelming experiences occurring without strong foundations of health from the early years to manage them (medical, relational, etc.), prolonged periods of not getting basic needs met or lack of welcome and acceptance of who we are by trusted and secure adult relationships).

As adults, the impact of these early gaps of care create impacts of difficult patterns that make life difficult and harder to navigate—it can feel like every day begins with a deficit of energy. Those affected have likely suspected something about their early lives that has contributed to chronic symptoms and/or lack of energy or healthy behaviors. The benefits of co-regulating touch offers a turnaround to the symptoms, behaviors and circumstances that may have felt impossible to change—all without requiring a need to talk about the past but simply being with the body’s regulation & endocrine systems offering support that has long been needed to increase vitality to the deeper processes that allow us to move more easily through life, changes & social relationships. It is never too late. In time, the quality of life begins to change, both inside and in your outer world. It’s a natural result of organs being deeply supported while in an attuned relationship with another.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)

This style of work is done on the premise that the body is self-organizing, intelligent and capable of directing its own sequence of healing. As practitioner, the conditions are created to bring forward the body’s deeper innate intelligences respecting its needs and pacing. In partnership, we learn to recognize the unique sensations and subtle signals of communication. As the body quiets the emergence of coherence can occur (feels like deep peace, rest, and stability within). Respect for the nervous system is a priority of each session as it is the gatekeeper for access to deeper physiological processes and history.

All contact occurs with consent and with gentle touch while you are comfortably clothed, usually face-up or side-lying on a table (actual positions are less important with body comfort being the priority).

BCST evolved from the early cranial knowledge development in the early days of osteopathy founders and has since included influences of pre-perinatal fields, trauma/stress resolution, embryology, nervous system dynamics and neuroscience. With its origins in indigenous cultures, the early history of osteopathy owes a large part of its early evolution to the Shawnee and Cherokee tribes and ancestors.

Polarity Therapy and Life Coach

Polarity represents a synthesis of the health wisdom and practices from indigenous cultures into western understanding of how to recognize and return flow states to the body & mind. This includes supportive approaches of inquiry and bodywork that restore balance when the gifts of resistance or stuckness keep our lives from going forward more fluidly and with ease.